Take Your Martial Art School To The Next Level

We help martial art schools succeed. Develop the skills and processes necessary to increase profits and improve work-life balance, all without disrupting the day to day running of your school.





Financial Combatives can supplement

or completely manage your sales and

marketing efforts. We're experts in

online sales and marketing and will

work with you to customize and

continually optimize your sales and

marketing campaigns to help you

attract and retain more students.



The Financial Combatives system will

align your values, goals, and

processes so you can maintain a clear

perspective on how to continue your

growth. Financial Combatives will give

you the tools and understanding to

evolve the three main areas of your

business: Sales and Marketing,

Operations and Finance.



We'll connect all your platforms to

save you time and help you

understand how your school is

performing, tell you things about your

students to help tailor your programs

and optimize your ad campaigns, and

help you reduce the number of

students quitting each month. By

reviewing your finances, student, and

attendance data, we'll discover

insights that support your decision-


our approach

Our head Financial Combatives coach, Chad McFarlin, recently received his blue belt. Chad has been helping companies and teams succeed for the past 25 years by developing technologies and applying the latest methodologies to overcome technical and business challenges. Along with decades of AAA video game and consumer and business application experience, we coach and offer technical expertise in areas such as machine learning and data science—with vast online marketing and production experience providing the know-how to effectively apply them to your school. If there is anyone within 5-10 miles of you even remotely interested in martial arts, we’ll make sure your school is on their radar. Since we focus on martial art schools, we specialize in creating repeatable processes and tools specifically for you. We devote all of our energy into making you succeed.


(Our senior consultant, Chad McFarlin, is on the right)

©2020 by Financial Combatives.